Let’s talk: I want to hear your views!

Buckingham and Bletchley need a fresh start with Labour.

Dear Residents,

I’m Callum Anderson and I’m asking for your vote to be Buckingham and Bletchley’s next Member of Parliament.

I was born and raised in Dunstable. My mum brought me up alone in a council flat, while she worked in the Leighton Buzzard Morrisons (where she still works today). She worked hard to pay the bills, put food on the table and give me as many opportunities as she could. 

But it was thanks to the last Labour Government that invested in families like ours — through a minimum wage, tax credits and record investment in our state schools — that I was part of a Labour legacy which included lifting a million children out of poverty. 

That commitment to making opportunity a right for everyone regardless of background is why I joined Labour at 18 years old. It’s why I’ve been campaigning for our Party ever since, in good times and bad.

After almost 14 years in power, the Tories are failing ordinary working families like mine, in places like Buckingham, Bletchley, Tattenhoe and Winslow. Higher costs of living, stagnant wages and creaking public services are harming all of us. Enough is enough. We deserve better.

At the next election, we have a chance to give the new Buckingham and Bletchley constituency a fresh start with Labour. I’m already listening to how we can improve our towns and villages. I’d love to hear your views too.

Your vote can trigger the fresh start that Buckingham and Bletchley needs. So let's make it happen.